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Eureka College's Student Magazine Since 1889

The Eureka College Pegasus

Eureka College's Student Magazine Since 1889

The Eureka College Pegasus

Eureka College's Student Magazine Since 1889

The Eureka College Pegasus


De’Von Ladd, Staff Contributor

De’Von Ladd (Dayton, OH/Charlotte NC) majors in Communication and has a love for making and listening to music. He looks forward to writing creatively and expressing his creative mind in the Eureka College community.

All content by De’Von Ladd
Music & College Students

Music & College Students

De’Von Ladd, Staff Contributor
April 28, 2023
Video games

A Worthy Adaptation: Video Games to Movies

De’Von Ladd, Staff Contributor
February 20, 2023
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De'Von Ladd