What Shows/Movies are Students Watching this Upcoming Break?
Spring Break is around the corner, and we all have a lot of different shows we are going to either binge or catch up on. As full-time college students, you would agree that we do not have much time for tv right? We’re either doing homework, at a school function, working, or catching up on sleep. There are a lot of popular shows out there, especially on various streaming services. There are a variety of shows and movies out right now that are highly recommended, so I wanted to see which ones are at the top of the charts for Eureka students.
Based on a Google Forms poll of current Eureka students, there are a variety of shows and movies that are popular at the moment. There were many similar interests from most of the students. The day was hectic, so it was time to get some insight from my peers around me and we had a conversation about what shows they were most likely to binge over break, and what movies they were thinking of watching. “I’m going to binge and catch up on some Wild N’ Out over break,” Junior Peewee Brown said. Wild N’ Out happens to be one of Nick Cannons’ shows and a good variety of students may be trying to catch up on that show over the break also.
“You know I’m catching up on Grey’s Anatomy, You and The Good Doctor” Freshman Keyanna Crowder said. Grey’s Anatomy and The Good Doctor are the most viewed shows on Netflix. Both are top performers on the ABC channel and they both focus on hospitals and doctors, so they share comparable themes. Many of the students in the google forms poll repetitively mentioned Grey’s Anatomy and You, which are also shows that can be found on Netflix. Most students shared interest in the new action movies that recently just came out include, Ant-Man: and the Wasp and Creed 3.
There’s going to be a lot of catching up over break, and Spring Break is the best time to do that. Also, I and a group of more students will be catching up on the Outer Banks. It’s a good show by the way, if you are not watching it, you should start. All I’m saying is Eureka students will be coming back from spring break caught up on all of the drama from the shows and movies we watched over the break. It’s Spring Break, what’s better than lying in bed and catching up on what we missed?

Alexis Smith (Peoria, IL) is a sophomore majoring in Communications and Media Studies. Alexis has been interested in writing and has also been looking...