The Microsoft Transition: Good or Bad?

When Eureka College announced that they would be beginning the switch from Google to Microsoft, annoyance could be felt campuswide. Many students are frustrated that they have to begin the transition of all of their documents and emails to an entirely new system that no one has training with. Paytyn Arends, a sophomore at Eureka is definitely frustrated about the switch “I find it annoying that we will be switching to microsoft. Google is easy. Why switch to Microsoft when Google has been working fine. It will make my life difficult trying to figure out where everything is and how to work the apps or email. Just let us keep google.” Hope Walter, a freshman at Eureka, says that “I have used google docs forever and I am really comfortable with using it. It is really user friendly, easy to share, and turns in papers/assignments on Brightspace.” The coexistence of microsoft and brightspace is definitely going to be a challenge for many students and it could be a setback for students who already struggle with school. 

Other students are feeling discouraged that they have to completely change their routines just for one year. Madalyn Schmitt, a junior at Eureka says that “It really frustrates me. I will only be here for one more year and I have to transfer all of my work and relearn a new system in the midst of the chaos of my senior year. I hope that the transition is not as difficult as I think it will be, but I worry that it will make everyone’s lives more difficult.” While much of the Microsoft suite is transferable to Google, it is still going to take time to adjust and get comfortable only using Microsoft.

While some students are feeling upset, others are optimistic. Parker Brodine, a senior at Eureka says that,“I actually don’t mind the switch to Microsoft because I feel like I’m going to have to use it eventually so why not start now.” It is true that many corporations and businesses use Microsoft for their operations so this will give many students the opportunity to become more familiar with the software before entering the workforce. Due to students feeling out of the loop and nervous about learning a new system, a possible solution would be to offer a seminar on how to actually use the tools that Microsoft has to offer so that the transition might go over more smoothly. Professors should also be prepared to guide students during this period and be willing to help them rather than penalize them for not understanding the system. Overall this change could really help students get ahead in the workforce and learn a new skill as long as there is help available!